Make sure you’re registered at your current address
If you haven’t voted recently – or even if you have – double-check to make sure you’re registered at your current address. Check Your Voter Registration Status.
While you’re at it, look up every member of your household, including those will turn 18 by April 23.
The deadline to register or correct your registration is April 8, but don’t wait – do it now.
Decide now whether you’ll vote in person or by mail.
If voting in person:
Are you sure you’ll be in town on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, April 23?
Do you have reliable transportation to your polling place?
Do you know what time of day you will vote? Polls are open 7 AM to 8 PM.
Beat the crowd. Busiest times are 7-9 AM and 6-8 PM.
If voting by mail:
Have you applied for your ballot? If not, will you apply right now at Ballot Request Application ( Don’t wait until the April 16 deadline!
Will you commit to completing your ballot as soon as it arrives and mailing it back right away?
Mail-in ballots must be received by the county elections office by 8 PM on Election Day. If you forget to mail yours, are you prepared to turn it in Downtown OR take it to your polling place on Election Day, have it voided and vote in person?